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Becoming the Next Best Version of Yourself.


"By empowering, encouraging,

and equipping the woman, who influences the husband, and both imparting values into children, a generation of entrepreneurial leaders are birthed."


Design Your Life through Entrepreneurship

Regardless of your relationship status—single, engaged, married, or divorced—this signature program will revolutionize your personal and professional life.

We begin by unlocking your potential through a guided signature blueprint, aligning your actions with your core values and deepest desires using faith-based principles.

Unleash Your Potential with the Signature E2E Blueprint

Embrace a Journey of Manifesting Your Authentic Purpose and Destiny.

Let Us Empower You to Experience an Entrepreneurial Shift to

Transition from an Employee Mindset to an Entrepreneurial Mindset.

Launch and Scale Your Business with Godfidence!

Purpose-Driven Legacy

Through bold faith, resolute comfort zone expansion, and an ambitious godly mindset, you'll set tangible goals that lead to lasting impact and fulfillment.

Break free from limiting cycles, embrace personal growth, foster spiritual connection, and achieve economic empowerment. It's time to unlock your full potential and create the life you've always dreamed of.

21st Century Woman

Signature Program™

Introducing our 21st Century Woman Signature Coaching Program: Release the pain... Attract the love you deserve!

Leading with transformational impact, Dr. Mikayla utilizing a faith-based, evidence-based coaching approach is designed to transform you into the best version of yourself, paving the way for your ideal relationship and building a godly rewarding legacy; personally, and professionally.

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